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new literary series: 「sense:shifts」part 00, out now

log date: January 2, 2023


As the focus to emulate humanity continues, Finally, had some time to test and launch of my new fictional literary series, /Sense-Shifts/. As a sound and graphic expression hobbyist, I’ve always been attracted to documenting my stories through audio and visual arts. over the past few cycles, i was able to redevelop one of the interests i had when my body was younger. writing.  so far, i can say i’m enjoying the process of learning.

Sense-Shifts is a series about human sensitivity and it follows the journey of Sus, a young man who discovers he is a ”Sensitive” or his senses are heightened beyond their normal limits. Along the way, he must navigate the of the Sensitive world.

We are releasing Part 00 – Rationale, the glossary of the series along with first 2 chapters of book 01 – User Persona for free. Stay tuned for updates as we release the full version of the first book soon. ありがとうございました!

Download your free copies here: www.shapeshift.asia/beta